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Lesson 108: Using Emptiness and Fullness

Strategy means that we are always looking to advance our position. We do not have to abandon old positions in order to establish new ones. Established positions are inherently stronger than new ones. When we abandon an existing position, we should do it gradually as our resources are best used elsewhere. In business, this is especially true in moving from an existing market to a new one. Businesspeople must be careful not to abandon existing customers quickly. These transitions are best made gradually.

However, we want to use all possible speed to move into new positions. The faster we establish a new position, the sooner we can get strength from it. We don't have to carefully plan such moves. Strategy requires us to be opportunistic, seizing opportunities as they appear.

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Copyright 2005-2008 Science of Strategy Institute, Clearbridge Publishing, and Gary Gagliardi
The leading publishers of books based on Sun Tzu's The Art of War